
Why we are here?

Today we come to talk to you about something that is not usually mentioned, and it is the function that cafés, averns and restaurants fulfill in our society.

Since the human being exists as a society, we have gone to these places to meet with friends, discuss current issues, create a community and share all kinds of ideas and moments. Places where theories and inventions have emerged that have taken humanity to another level, and that is, no matter what culture or part of the world you are from, food or coffee time will always be an ideal environment to socialize and share.

The places we like to go to eat or simply to have a coffee and work define very important aspects of our personality. Since when you take a friend to your favorite café or to the restaurant that you usually go to every time you want to treat yourself, without wanting to, we are showing our tastes and projecting them onto other people.

In addition, it could be said that all these places are encyclopedias of culture since they are a reflection of the gastronomy of the place we are in, or it can even be a little piece of another part of the world that they have wanted to bring to your city so that you can get to know other gastronomies without having to visit each city.

Gastronomy and the entire sector that encompasses it are culture, they are a reflection of the society that frequents them, they are where the craziest and most revolutionary ideas are born, where we cry, laugh and share with our loved ones. They are a fundamental space for the development of a healthy socialization, away from the screens and the distractions that overwhelm us in our day to day.

With this article we just want to remind you of the importance of putting aside all those screens that generate a false sense of connection and going outside to see, talk, eat and build quality relationships with a good coffee in hand and a good friend in front that listens to you and can hug you if it is what you need at that moment.


Mint tea, culture and health

Something that is undeniably an essential part of Moroccan culture is Mint tea, a delicious mix of green tea, mint and sugar.

Due to the Crimean War in 1850 a British merchant realized that he could not market his gunpowder green tea in Scandinavia, so he decided to market it in Morocco. The locals soon made this tea their own by adding mint and sugar to it.

This sweet mixture became a hallmark of the country and since then it has been a symbol of hospitality and welcome towards the guests and something essential in their day to day.

The way to prepare this tea varies a lot from one place to another, but today we want to tell you how we make it.

The recipe:

1. Mint leaves are washed to get rid of some toxins and prevent them from giving a bitter taste.

2. While we boil water, we put a spoonful of gunpowder green tea in the teapot. (the amount of tea will depend on how strong you like your tea and the size of the teapot)

3. We put a little water on the tea that we have previously placed in the teapot. In this way we wash it a little and discard that water.

4. Then add the sugar (amount to taste), right after we will add the hot water and bring it to a boil again for about 3 minutes.

5. Once removed from the heat we will add the mint and just above we will put a little more sugar.

6. Finally, we let it rest in the teapot for about 5 minutes before serving it.

It is very important to serve it from above, leaving a considerable distance between the glass and the teapot so that the tea is oxygenated and all the aromas are revealed.

You’ll know you’ve done it right if a bit of foam remains at the top of the glass after serving.

In addition to being a fundamental part of the culture and having a wonderful flavor, Mint tea has numerous health benefits such as:

– Helps the immune system as it contains calcium, magnesium, copper, fluoride, and selenium. Essential minerals for its proper functioning.

– It makes breathing easier, as it contains menthol, a natural decongestant and anti-inflammatory.

– It helps you relax because it is rich in an amino acid called L-Theanine that increases your GABA levels, a neurotransmitter that helps you stay calm and deal with everyday stress.

So, Keep Calm and Sip on Moroccan Mint tea!
